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Hey Sis Hey!

My name is Chauna Geter, but some affectionately call me Lady G. I am a pastor's wife, mother to many, ministry leader, soloist but most importantly- a humble servant of Yeshua (Jesus Christ)! I am honored to meet you and can't wait to connect with you!

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How it all started...

I often felt that I was called to both inspire and empower women. I thought of how women during biblical times had the task of retrieving the household water supply from the local well. I imagined women from all walks of life congregating and conversing at the well. I imagined wisdom being shared on recipes, child-rearing, marital issues, grooming tips and sister talk while also providing a brief relief from the rigors of the day. My Goal is to build a community where women can share Godly advice, encouragement and meanwhile fostering a true sisterhood. We are (W)omen (E)mpowering (L)earning & (L)oving. Welcome to the W,E,L,L !


I'm always looking to connect with other Christ-minded women.

Connect with me on Facebook (@TheWell Women Group) & Instagram (@theWellWomenMinistryGroup

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